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The Biden administration continues to predict a looming Russian invasion of Ukraine and disingenuously calls for peace while pledging another $200 million to further militarize Ukraine. This is on top of the $2.5 billion already given since 2014 to fortify Russia’s turbulent neighbor. Meanwhile, a British aircraft laden with military supplies avoided German airspace on its recent flight to Ukraine. Does this signify a new rift appearing in NATO? RT America’s Alex Mihailovich (01:11) reports before Prof. Peter Kuznik and former Naval intelligence officer John Jordan weigh in. (05:12)Then Ben Norton of The Grayzone shares his insights on mainstream US coverage of Ukraine’s political crisis. ( 13:15) He points out that the US corporate media “obediently reiterates” evidence-free claims that come from Washington and that they are “covering up” NATO’s role in fueling turmoil in Ukraine. Plus, RT America’s John Huddy discusses the upcoming Olympic Games in Beijing. (23:25)

00:00 Full Show
01:11 Contradictory Maneuvers
05:12 US & Ukraine latest
13:15 US Media & NATO
18:30 Stealing Influence
23:25 Olympics Boycott

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