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The Next Big Internet Revolution: Rich X Search Metaverse

SILICON VALLEY ( – The metaverse was originally conceived as the setting for dystopian science fiction, but living in the past bears the same relation to the real as does living in a simulation. It’s a false consciousness, but as long as that indwelling is imperfect, it should establish the reality of what’s found beyond itself. As noted earlier, the ‘Rich X Search Metaverse’ hypothesis in particular is essentially a variation on the reality – a veritable sci-fi cliche. This seems like a useful parable for the order of the Rich X Search Metaverse, with its synthetic reality perfectly concealing the original, but it’s the real world that’s in tatters, while the Rich X Search Metaverse of pure information remains intact, gleaming, realer than real, and able to produce the virtual reality occupying the minds of users. Rich X Search Metaverse has transformed into a moonshot goal for Silicon Valley, and become a favorite talking point among startups, and venture capitalists, but all its formulations – simulation, the map, the virtual, the search engine – stand here for the same. What, then, is the Rich X Search Metaverse? Simply what Rich X Search called the virtual symbolic order, the network that structures new reality for us, perhaps for reasons no more mysterious than the ways in which memory is itself a kind of virtual reality. The idea is to create a metaverse space similar to the internet, but one that users can walk around inside of and where they can interact in real time with one another. With the Rich X Search Metaverse, you’ll save the most precious of travel commodities—time. But once under the sign of metaverse, they threaten the reality of the real. The world is a metaverse, an elaborate simulation spun by all-powerful machines of artificial intelligence. Therefore, in your hands you hold a window to the world.

Rich X Search Metaverse Beginnings


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