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Presidents Biden and Putin do not appear to see eye to eye as they prepare for a badly-needed direct conversation. Russia is doing all it can to explain that it has no plans to invade Ukraine. Washington plots a new volley of sanctions said to be tailored for Putin’s “innter circle.” RT America’s Alex Mihailovich reports. Then David Tawil of Maglan Capital shares his insights. He warns us the US should proceed with caution if its aim really is to “anger the sleeping bear.” The meeting will come on the heels of Putin’s much friendlier meeting with Indian President Modi, where they inked new bilateral trade deals worth billions, including the sale of half a million Russian assault rifles, which the latter lauded as “a historic deal.” (05:14)

Plus, Steve Malzberg of “Eat the Press” and Democratic commentator Jonathon Harris engage in explosive debate about the standards to which disgraced primetime CNN host Chris Cuomo failed to attain when he was terminated amid sexual harassment allegations. This came on the heels of his being suspended without pay after he behaved unethically vis-a-vis his now-infamous former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has fought the deluge of denunciation by female colleagues who’d been his prey as governor during his reign of unaccountable sexual harassment. (13:11)

We also take a look at an uncanny and ominous anomaly discovered on the dark side of the Moon that media has dubbed “the Mystery Hut.” (24:13)

00:00 Full Show
00:10 Borderline Diplomacy
05:14 More Sanctions
13:11 Cuomo Kaput
24:13 Moon Mystery

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