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We came, we saw, we did not conquer. After Iraq and the US agree to end America’s occupation there, Iraq joins the long list of wars lost by the US. RT Correspondent Faran Fronczak breaks down the deal,(05:04) and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges, the host of RT’s On Contact, discusses how he was prevented from telling the truth as a New York Times bureau chief in Iraq. (08:35)

RT Correspondent Trinity Chavez then reports on the G-20 summit that failed to reach a climate resolution despite the chaos the world is experiencing as a result of climate change. (13:45)

Then RT Correspondent Charlotte Dubenskij tells us why the Louvre is so angry at Pornhub. And finally, Steve Christakos joins Rick for Jock Talk and gives us the latest from the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. (17:25)

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