UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been slammed for saying England is ready to lift most COVID restrictions. This comes, despite a steady rise in daily new infections across the country. A re-opening of the UK is aimed for July 19th. RT’s Igor Zhadanov has the latest. As the US makes good on its promise to withdraw from Afghanistan by September 11th, Taliban insurgents are making large gains-primarily in the northern part of the country. Meanwhile, the Afghan military says as they depart, US troops are being less than helpful with the government in Kabul’s effort to consolidate its hold on other parts of the nation. RT America’s Alex Mihailovich has the story. (1:04) Then, Former UK MP George Galloway weighs in. (5:07) For the first time in more than a year, many Americans are feeling optimistic that the pandemic could soon be a thing of the past, especially as vaccines have been driving down COVID-19 cases. But experts warn that there’s still a concern that the new Delta variant could bring it back, and may be even stronger. RT America’s Sayeh Tavangar has the story.(13:47)
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