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Empty shelves in grocery stores and at other retail stores are becoming an everyday sight for shoppers in communities across the US. The country is also seeing the highest inflation in the past 40 years and an employee shortage due in part to the wildfire spread of the omicron variant of COVID-19. (02:00) RT America’s Baxton Bloyd reports. (03:15) Then US. Prof. Richard Wolff of “The Economic Update” and former USTR official Steve Gill share their insights. They say too many US companies rely on just-in-time deliveries and that it allowed vulnerabilities in the supply chain to snowball into the “catastrophic situation” now facing the US. (05:37)

Veteran of US armed forces Colonel Rob Maness weighs in on his perception that the US military of today unfairly maligns “straight white men” and is too concerned with intersectional feminism and social justice ideology to the detriment of its effectiveness as a fighting force. He believes these mistaken priorities have made it less attractive to potential recruits, which in turn provoked the considerable sign-on bonus now offered for 6-year contracts and along certain paths of specialization. (12:22)

Plus, Steve Gruber of “Steve Gruber’s Forgotten America” and Lionel of Lionel Media react to the Supreme Court’s decision on the Biden Administration’s am ambitious federal vaccine mandate. (17:58)

00:00 Full Show
02:00 America The Meager
03:15 Empty Shelves Everywhere
05:37 Supply Chain Issues
12:22 Military Incentive
17:58 SCOTUS Rules On Mandate

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